Saturday, June 9, 2007

Story about the journey.

Murphy’s committee (my version)

When you start this game you make a decision weather you like it or not. You decide to leave the pasture with the cows and go to the other side which is paradise. To get there however you have to cross the desert. This is a process some people would rather stay in the pasture with the cows because crossing the desert is too far its too hard. Other people realize that this is there calling there is not other option. They can not hold and enjoy a conversation with the cows its all to negative and boring. Which one are you? When you decided to enter this industry of direct sales and network marketing you steep into the desert but you are not out yet you are going to encounter what seems like great success in the desert and great obstacles but these obstacles are what qualify us to get to the paradise on the other side. Let talk about were we started before we decided to go on this journey to paradise. The cow pasture. What is a cow pasture like? Cows just grassing on grass every so often they look at the other cows. How is your grass over there? MOOOO its ok how is yours? MOOOOO its ok. THIS IS BORING FOR US. We want to talk about our goals and our dreams, We want to achieve something. We don’t want to talk about how horrible everything is. Drifting through life with no direction just grassing on grass. So we look at that desert. Yes its going to be HOT. Yes it might be far. Yes its going to be hard. But we decide to steep in knowing that’s it not going to be easy. Most of you have made that decision to steep in congralations but its not that easy you are going to encounter something’s along the way. What separates those that make it through from those that don’t is they realize this and they don’t turn back no matter what obstacle presents it self. They know what’s going to happen and they are ready to battle it before it even starts. That is my goal I want to let you know what you are going to encounter in the dessert before it happens so that you are ready for it. Once you put that foot into the desert you have made it a lot further than most but its not over. So what is going to have to happen before we make it to the other side to paradise? Well eventually our water is going to run out. We are going to start to get thirsty we might even start to get delirious and look over and see our friends and family on the edge saying MOOOO telling us just turn back you are never going to make it through the desert. “why don’t you just come back to the pasture were you know you are safe and secure.” “The desert is a scam its one of those pyramid things. Normal people never make it through the desert” It must just be the heat though they would never really want that for us knowing what we are going to have when we reach paradise. So it must just be the heat playing tricks on us. So we keeping going through the desert. As we continue on our journey we start to get tired but we keep on trucking all the sudden we are stuck sinking. ITS QUICK SAND. There is going to be quick sand along our journey there is no doubt about that. There are things that will try to pull us down. The more we fight it the faster we will fail. Learn to let go and go with the obstacles that present them self and slowly bring your self back to the surface and keep on moving forward. Next we see water we must be there this is the month that we make it so we run, finally we are there. YAY I cant believe we made it but time keeps going and we keep running and it disappears. It was only a mirage we are not there yet. Feeling discouraged we start to seconded guess or self’s thinking maybe none of this is real maybe paradise is just a marriage. It would be so much easier to just turn back and go back to the pasture. BUT NO we remember why we started this journey through the desert so we didn’t have to wake up to the alarm clock any more, so we could be our own boss, to get away from the negativity to be free and never have to worry about money again. We remember that we have seen others make it to paradise it must be real so we keep walking through the desert. Our water runs out, we are hot tired but full of energy we know that walking trough this desert is the right thing to do so we walk proud. All of the sudden we see palm trees and water flowing is this paradise or another mirage? We start running again finally all of our hopes and dreams have paid off we knew we could do it we are here we make it to the palm trees and its real. We set up camp and drink the water and we are living good for awhile. Not a care in the world. We knew we could do it. All of the sudden we wake up one morning and the water is gone and the trees are dieing. It was only a oasis just a temporary success We are just not there yet. Maybe we adjusted our way of living to that of they way of life in the oasis and lost everything that we built in the oasis. . Feeling discouraged we call one our friends. Not one of the cows back in the pasture because we know that they will just tell us how much better things are in the pasture and after seeing the oasis we know that there is a better way. We call one of our friends in paradise and we they pick up we start crying and telling them about our devastation. They just laugh. “Man this is serious I lost everything I built in that oasis none of it was permanent if this is what paradise is like I want nothing to do with it why are you laughing?” “ I’m laughing because we have all been through but it means that you are getting close. Every desert has a oasis and if you had not made it to that oasis you might have died out there in the desert . You might have starved to death. The oasis was a sign that you are on the right path is was a taste to keep you going of what the good life will be like. Keep pushing through the desert you are almost there.” So we pick up our stuff and we keep walking through the desert running into some pastures along with way with cows mooing and grassing and trying to get us to stay in the pasture with them. We have come so far we keep walking. Things start to slowly get easier we can see paradise in the horizon. Our bodies and mind have become conditioned to life in the desert. Walking across the sand become easier, We no longer feel hungry. We are confidant nothing will stop us. We walk faster bringing those along the way that want to come leaving those behind that don’t. We walk now with a team stronger than us and we walk through the desert together. We only walk with those who we know are going to make this journey and we don’t invite those that are going to hold us back for we are too close to have anything stop us. All of the sudden our eyes close and we fall to the ground. When we open them we are in the back of a limousine there is a man driving us. We look over at the other cars and can see peoples lips mouthing “lucky”. The car pulls up to big gates and we realize that we made it this is our house. We are in paradise. We let go of the outcome so much and were so confidant that we would be here we didn’t even realize we were already here. Our driver pulls up to the circle in front of our mansion we get out and look. Its huge. We have one of those circle drives ways and a large 10 car garage to hold all of our fancy cars. Mercedes, Lamborghini, Ferrari a hummer. We even have a helipad on the roof for our personal helicopter. We walk in and steep on our beautiful black marble floors and look at the huge window in front of us with a outstanding view of the ocean. Our cook is preparing a exquisite meal for us to enjoy. The phone rings and the butler answers it and brings it over. You answer its one of your friends. He says man I wish I would have. And you say I’m glad I did. To think if you had not gone through that desert you would still be in the pasture with the cows. Learn more about some of the best home based business ideas on my website


Dealing with Objections.

The best way to handle questions and objections is to answer them with questions. You see people hate to be sold or tried to be convinced. The best way to persuade them is to let them persuade them self’s. For example I use a objection that I get all the time and I’m sure that you do as well. THE KEY IS TO LISTEN AND LET THE PROSPECT talk them self’s out of the objection.

“Well this sounds great but I don’t have the money to get started.”

I understand completely where you are coming from if I was in your position I would say the same thing. How does that make you feel to be in that situation?

“not good at all!”

When you responded to the add what exactly were you looking for?

“A way that I could make a lot of money in a short period of time and stay at home with my kids and work my own schedule”

If I told you that I could provide you that all that for 60 bucks or free would you believe me?


Are you willing to do what it takes to find away to be able to stay home with your kids and work the hours that you want?


So what is your plan for getting started with coastal?

You see In that example I never once tried to convince them that coastal was for them I let them talk there way through it by guiding them with questions. That’s what we are guides. Remember listen listen listen if you listen they will talk. Let them sell them selfs on coastal. That how you win in this biz. That what the smart people do.

Lets try one more.


Why are you looking to work from home?

“To be free, make a lot of money and spend time with my kids”

How much is it worth to you to be able to do that?

“Well a lot but I just don’t have any money”

Well I hear ya and I was in that position my self so I know how that feels and its not good. Let me ask you are you going to keep stating that problem the rest of your life or are you willing to take a hard look at all the details of something that could provide a solution to that problem in a very quick period of time?

At this point if they say no you move on because these people are never going to change what we need to do is find the ones who are willing to do what it takes to change there current situation. Einstein’s definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Lets not spend to much of our time with insane people. Bottom line answering questions with questions. LET THE PROSPECT DO 90% of the talking always let them do our job for us it is by far the most effective way of handing a sale.

You don’t necessarily have to memorized things to say from a script for to handle objections. I think it is far more effective to speak from your heart. Don’t over complicated the issue this is simple this should be common sense if you let it be.Learn more about some of the best home based business ideas on my website

Get a real job!

Recently received a email from some one so saw something online talking about what I did for a living (I removed the curse words and put bleeps in there place), it is as follows

To whom it may concern

Whoever the BLEEP you are. Have you ever considered working for a living. I'm a union bridge-building carpenter working in the Chicagoland area. I make more money than anyone I know and I do it all myself without any scam. So take your scam, shove it up your BLEEP, let it fester for a while and if the rest of the world is lucky you will get colon cancer and die. BLEEP you, you lazy sack of BLEEP.

Now 98% most of the emails I get are extremely encouraging talking about how I have motivated people to move to a higher level in there life but for some reason every now and then I get a email like this one. Now I could get discouraged and think wow this guy is right why don’t I work for a living? Or I can use this as encouragement. Guess what I chose to do? We all have choice’s in life we can let other people keep us down or we can try to understand what they are really trying to say. I heard a cool analogy the other day that I think applies to this. If you put a crab in a bucket you have to put a lid on it or the crab will get out but if you put another cran in the bucket you can take the lid off because the other crabs will keep pulling each other down. That’s why they say stop being crabby hahaha. I chose to let this man lift me up not let him pull me down. I could of wrote him a nasty letter back and that was my first reaction about how what I was doing was right and telling him how rude he was. Instead I chose to take a deep breath and try to see things from his point of view. I ended up writing a thank you note for him taking the time to let me know how he felt about me. Lets examine this a little closer. This man is a very hard worker and through his social conditioning feels that the only way to make money is through sweet. His parents and role model’s in life were probably manual labor’s and so that’s all he knew. He was never thought that working smart is a much better way of working rather than hard. When he saw that I was making the kind of money that I make (Which is probably more the he makes) working from my computer and never breaking a sweet. It made him angry. He was probably thinking because of he didn’t know any better. If someone can make more than me and not work as hard as I do they must be doing something dishonest and illegal. No one ever told him that 76% of millionaires are Investors and business owners and none of them doing any manual labor. I often have people tell me to get a “real job”. That makes me chuckle lets take a look at a couple definitions of a “real job”. One example is waking up every morning when someone else tells you to at the same time drive to a building. You spent your priceless time sitting in that building for 8 hours everyday building someone else’s dream. After that the clock hits 5pm so you pick up your stuff and head home you do that everyday Monday though Friday. (for some Saturday and Sunday as well.) To find out that at the end of the month your silent partner who didn’t put anytime in named uncle same takes 50% of your pay check. You do that for 40 years (if you your lucky you don’t get let go do to down sizing or outsourcing) At the end you have 40 bucks in your back account and a crappie pension coming in every month that you only get half of because your ex wife decided that your relationship “wasn’t working anymore”! SOUND CRAZY? It does to me. That is the number way people in America live there life’s. They tell be to go get a real job? What about that plan sounds appealing you would have to be a pretty convincing sales person to sell me on that plan but years of social conditioning and the need to feel secure is what drives people to think that, that is the best way to live there life’s. At the end they have just drifted though and have accomplished nothing. The funny thing is they weren’t even really that secure even though lay off are decreasing they are still happening at a extremely high numbers. “Initial filings for state unemployment insurance aid for the week ended March 31, increased to a seasonally adjusted 321,000 from an upwardly revised 310,000 the prior week,” (cnn news april 5th 2007). Don’t think that’s the plan for me how about you? Well Ryan I can a agree that having a job doesn’t sound like a great idea but you should start a real business like opening a retail store. Sounds a litte better right? Well I would a agree that it is but still wouldn’t make any sense all things considered. If I were to open a retail store I see two options reinventing the wheel and coming up with a whole new Idea and plan. Problem with that is I have no education on starting my own business and because of that the odds are not in my favor. 90% of new business fail in there first 5 years. I think that is because of lack of education. My other option is buying a franchise. One the low end I would probably pay at least $100,000 and according to statistics I would take me about 5 years to see a profit. I don’t have the savings available to be able the wait that long with that kind of a investment do you? Ok so lets say that I did. I would have to then go buy or rent a building. I would have to pay for insurance, electricity, employee’s, a lawyer, inventory, a decorator, advertising to get people in the door and that’s not event guaranteed. I could spend 2,000 dollars and since I don’t know anything about marketing not even have one person walk in the door. So then I could hire a advertising firm and hope that they knew what they were doing. I’m sure there is more things that I cant think of right now as far as cost’s but you get the picture. On top of all those expenses I would have to do a ton of paper work and drive to my work all the time and make sure things were running smoothly. None of that is that horrible but I have found a better way. Imagine having a store where you only paid for the advertising for each individual that walked into the store and said that they wanted to know more about the product. Imagine that you could chose how many people walked into your store everyday. Isn’t that every brick and motor business owners wet dream? Well its real and its called coastal been around for 12 years now and 100% legal. So call me lazy, crazy or insane but I have found a proven system that has a total of on the max 11,000 dollar investment and people can get in for 1,000. I have no employees my over head is about 150 bucks a month for a couple websites and I spend maybe 700 bucks a month on advertising and can generate over a 100,000 a year with ease working about 40 hours a week. You can work this business from your house (no rent) and make more money than probably any of the people I talked about above. So you tell me who is the crazy one me or the people with the “real jobs”? I think ill stick with what I have thanks for letting me know what you think about me though!!!

Written by Ryan Dunn Learn more about some of the best home based business ideas on my website